GRS 96w PCR plates 0,2mL (semi-skirted)


SKU N/A Category


0.2 mL maximum working volume per well
dNase, RNase and human genomic DNA free
Suitable for PCR and qPCR
Raised well rims to avoid cross contamination and facilitate heat sealing
Compatible with heat sealing foils

Compatible with:
ABI: 7000/7300/7500/7700/7900
GeneAmp 2700/2720/ 9600/ 9700
BioRad: C1000, iCycler iQ/iQ4/iQ5, PTC100/200/220/221/225, S1000, T100
Eppendorf: Mastercycler, Mastercycler EPGradient / EPrealplex
among others


Compatibility Chart

Order Information

GPP76.0050 GRS 96w PCR plates 0,2mL (semi-skirted) 50 plates