GRS Agarose LE

GRS Agarose LE is a molecular biology grade standard agarose suitable for all analytical and preparative electrophoresis of nucleic acids in routine gel electrophoresis.
SKU N/A Category


Product: GRS Agarose LE is a molecular biology grade standard agarose suitable for all analytical and preparative electrophoresis of nucleic acids in routine gel electrophoresis.
Applications: GRS Agarose LE is useful for a broad range of applications: PCR product analysis, restriction enzyme digest analysis, Northern Blotting, etc. Depending on the concentration of GRS Agarose LE, the size range of nucleic acid separation will vary between 100bp and 15kb. Because of its low EEO, DNA will have a high electrophoretic mobility.Also suitable for protein electrophoresis such as radial immunodiffusion.
Quantity: 500g
Appearance: white powder
Storage: Room temperature. Stable for at least 3 years

DNases/RNases/Proteases…………………………….not detected
Gel strength (1.5%)………………………………………..>2000g/cm2
Gel point (1.5%)…………………………………………….36ºC (± 1.5ºC)
Melting point (1.5%)……………………………….…….88ºC (± 1.5ºC)
Clarity (1.5%)…………………………………………….….<4 NTU


Product Info 


Order Information

GA110.0500 GRS Agarose LE 500 g