GRS DNA Loading Buffer Green (6X)

DNA loading Buffer Green (6x) is a pre-mixed Loading Buffer for Agarose and Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, containing Xylene Cyanol FF and Orange G as tracking dyes.

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GRS DNA Loading Buffer Green (6X) is a pre-mixed Loading Buffer for Agarose and Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, containing Xylene Cyanol FF and Orange G as tracking dyes. EDTA is included to chelate Magnesium (up to 10 mM), stopping enzymatic reactions.

Solution of 10mM Tris-HCl pH 7,6; 60mM EDTA; 0,03% Bromophenol Blue; 0.15% Orange G; 60% Glycerol.

Preparation of DNA samples and markers for loading onto agarose and polyacrylamide gels. This Loading Buffer is a 6X concentrate: add 1μl of GRS DNA Loading Buffer Green (6x) per 5 μl of DNA sample.

Dye Migration
Migration of the tracking dyes depend on the type of gel, concentration of the gel and the electrophoresis buffer. For example, on a 1.5% agarose gel the tracking dyes co-migrate with DNA fragments of the following sizes:

Xylene Cyanol FF
TAE: ~ 2.8 kb
TBE: ~ 1.8 kb
VOLTage Fast: ~ 900bp

Orange G
TAE: ~ 50bp
TBE: ~ 50bp
VOLTage Fast: ~ <40bp

Free of DNases and RNases.

Quality Control
Absence of endodeoxyribonucleases, exodeoxyribonucleases, and ribonucleases was confirmed by appropriate assays.

Store at room temperature or +4ºC for up to at least 12 months. For longer storage, store at -20ºC.


Product Info


Order Information

GLB02.0001 GRS DNA Loading Buffer Green (6X) 1mL
GLB02.0501 GRS DNA Loading Buffer Green (6X) 5 x 1mL
GLB02.2001 GRS DNA Loading Buffer Green (6X) 20 x 1mL