Lambda/HindIII is a classic DNA marker, consisting of 8 fragments that have been obtained from digesting λ DNA with the HindIII restriction enzyme. GRiSP’s Lambda/HindIII is supplied in a loading dye and is ready-to-use. It is suitable for sizing linear double-stranded DNA over a wide range of sizes.
125 | 564 | 2027 | 2322 | 4361 | 6557 | 9416 | 23130
due to complementary cohesive ends (sticky ends), some fragments may cause formation of additional bands, e.g. the 23130 bp fragment joining to the 4361 bp band to form a 27491 bp band. It is therefore recommended to separate fragments by heating at 65ºC for 3-5 minutes prior to loading.
Recommended Loading
2-5 μl/lane
(Mixed) 40ng/μl
At least three months at room temperature, for long-time preservation, please store at -20ºC.