GRS 384w PCR Plates (full-Skirted)

384w full skirted PCR plates


SKU N/A Category


Made from pure virgin polypropylene
RNase/DNase and gDNA free
Well volume: 50 µL
Suitable for automation
Compatible with GPP41.0100 qPCR seals

Compatible with:
ABI: 3100, 3130, 3700, 3730/3730x, 7900HT/Fast, 9700/Veriti/Fast, StepOnePlus, Via7/Fast.
Agilent: SureCycler 8800
Analytik Jena: FlexCycler, T1 Thermal Cycler, Trobot, Uno II.
Biorad: C1000, CFX384 Touch, S1000, T100
Eppendorf: Mastercycler M384
Qiagen: FlexiGene
Thermo Fisher: Omni-E, Omnigene, QuantStudio 3, 5, 6, 6  Pro, 7, 7 Pro, 12K, Touchdown
among others

Order Information

GPP77.0050 GRS 384w PCR Plates (full-Skirted) 50 plates