TG Buffer (10X)

Tris-glycine (TG) running buffer is a common buffer used for non-denaturing (native) gel electrophoresis of proteins and for protein transfer in Western blotting


Tris-glycine (TG) running buffer is a common buffer used for
non-denaturing (native) gel electrophoresis of proteins and for
protein transfer in Western blotting


TG Buffer (10x) is a 0.2μm filtered aqueous solution of 0,25M Tris,
and 1,92M glycine, prepared with ultrapure water. It is supplied
in a 1L plastic bottle or in a 5L handy Bag-in-Box equipped with a
two-position spigot that offer push button dispensing.


Product Info TG

Order Information

GB13.0110 TG buffer 1L 10X
GB13.0510 TG buffer 5L 10X