Xpert Fast Hotstart DNA Polymerase

For fast amplification of complex targets Xpert Fast Hotstart DNA polymerase is a robust enzyme, suitable for the amplification of difficult targets with extreme speed (2 sec/kb), yield and specificity.

SKU N/A Category


Main application: fast amplification of complex targets

Xpert Fast Hotstart DNA polymerase is a robust enzyme, suitable for the amplification of difficult targets with extreme speed (2 sec/kb), yield and specificity.
The buffer composition has been optimized via high-throughput screening and makes the enzyme particularly resistant to PCR inhibitors. As a result, Xpert Fast Hotstart DNA Polymerase is suitable for direct PCR from unpurified samples, including blood, urine, and bacterial colonies, making this the ideal choice for consistent results in fast complex PCR amplifications.


Performance highlights:
– Fast amplification of complex targets (including GC/AT-rich)
– Direct PCR from crude samples

Amplicon size:  up to 5kb
Extension Rate: 2 sec/kb
Hotstart:           Yes
A-overhang:      Yes

– Direct PCR
– Fast amplification of complex targets (including GC-rich and AT-rich templates)
– Colony PCR
– Multiplex PCR

– Kit version with dNTPs included (in the buffer)
– Mastermix available with (red) dye, and without dye

Storage:-20ºC for at least 1 year. No loss of performance is detected after 20 freeze/thaw cycles.


Product Info Xpert Fast Hotstart

Product Info Xpert Fast Hotstart Mastermix

Product Info Xpert Fast Hotstart Mastermix (2x) with dye

Order Information

GE25.0250 Xpert Fast Hotstart DNA Polymerase (dNTPs included) 250U
GE25.1000 Xpert Fast Hotstart DNA Polymerase (dNTPs included) 1000U
GE35.0001 Xpert Fast Hotstart 2X Mastermix 1mL
GE35.5001 Xpert Fast Hotstart 2X Mastermix 5x 1mL
GE45.0001 Xpert Fast Hotstart 2X Mastermix with Dye 1mL
GE45.5001 Xpert Fast Hotstart 2X Mastermix with Dye 5x 1mL
GE45.0050 Xpert Fast Hotstart 2X Mastermix with Dye 50x 1mL