Xpert AmpliFi

Xpert AmpliFi DNA Polymerase is an all-round and robust high-fidelity enzyme with enhanced DNA binding, resulting in improved processivity, shorter extension times, higher yield and capacity to amplify more difficult and longer targets. Combined with its extremely low error-rate, this makes Xpert AmpliFi ideal for applications such as high-fidelity PCR, site-directed mutagenesis, cloning, long-range PCR and DNA sequencing, when robustness and proof-reading are extremely important.

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Xpert AmpliFi DNA Polymerase is an all-round and robust high-fidelity enzyme with enhanced DNA binding, resulting in improved processivity, shorter extension times, higher yield and capacity to amplify more difficult and longer targets. Combined with its extremely low error-rate, this makes Xpert AmpliFi ideal for applications such as high-fidelity PCR, site-directed mutagenesis, cloning, long-range PCR and DNA sequencing, when robustness and proof-reading are extremely important.

Xpert AmpliFi DNA polymerase has been derived from Pfu DNA polymerase for its proof-reading activity. Xpert AmpliFi has a very high accuracy resulting in fidelity that is about 100x higher than regular Taq DNA polymerase. DNA binding has been improved by protein engineering resulting in shorter extension times (2-6kb/min), making this also an ideal choice for consistent results in fast PCR amplifications.


Amplicon size:  up to 20kb
Extension Rate: 2-6kb/min
Hotstart:           No
A-overhang:      No
Error-rate:  100x lower than Taq

– High-fidelity PCR
– Complex targets (including GC-rich and AT-rich templates)
– Longe-Range PCR
– site-directed mutagenesis
– DNA Sequencing
– Cloning

– Kit version with dNTPs in separated buffer or
– Mastermix

-20ºC for at least 1 year. No loss of performance is detected after 20 freeze/thaw cycles.


Product Info Xpert Amplifi

Product Info Xpert Amplifi Mastermix

MSDS ENG Xpert ampliFi 2X Mastermix

Order Information

GE17.0100 Xpert ampliFi DNA Polymerase (dNTPs included) 100U
GE27.0100 Xpert ampliFi 2X Mastermix 1.25mL
GE27.5100 Xpert ampliFi 2X Mastermix 5x 1.25mL